Green/Light for Folkestone Triennial

Regency refurbishment for Albion House
Murray & Jones scoop top contractor award

Murray & Jones worked with artist Jyll Bradley and structural engineer Ben Godber to create a major new sculptural light installation for the Old Gas Works site, as part of the Folkestone Triennial.

The site was once a hub of energy and the very place where electric light was first generated for the town. Green/Light (For M.R.) is an attempt to ‘square the circle’ of the artist’s relationship to the original site’s decommissioning in the year of her birth.

The outer square grid of the sculpture – built as a traditional hop garden with wooden poles, wirework and stringing – creates a webbed enclosure that represents Bradley’s childhood in Kent. The inner circle of aluminium poles that shimmer with colour and gather light occupies the precise footprint of one of the original gasometers on the site, and stands for the energy and insight of her adult life.

The sculpture’s exciting, immersive, reflective space invites the further regeneration of the site for the local community.